One could describe the church as a tree, with roots, trunk and branches representing various aspects of our shared life as a Christian community. The same image can be applied to worship. The rootsof worship in Colinton go very deep. For more than 900 years, people have been singing, praying and listening to God’s word in this place. Through our worship we experience a strong bond with those who have gone before and, from time to time, when we come together as a congregation, the connection with our personal and communal saints is almost tangible. Our roots are honoured through some of our traditions, like the layout of the church furniture, the reading from the Bible during worship, the accompanying of our singing by organ, choir or praise band, and the monthly celebration of the sacraments. With such strong foundations, the tree will naturally grow tall and spread its branchestoward the light. It is in this ever-renewing of new shoots that our worship retains its vitality and remains connected to our present life experience. This means that within our traditional church building there is space for new and old forms of worship to blend. Visitors are often surprised to find a projector and screen tucked away in the apse and a band playing for the early service – we offer worship in a choice of styles and acknowledge that as a diverse group of people we connect with God in different ways. At the centre of the tree is the trunk connecting roots and branches. This is the heart of the tree, and in the present context each and every worshipping person. The heart longs for a deeper connection with the Source of all being and it is here that we engage most deeply with God. In our ‘middle’ we hear a word from Scripture as the Word of God for us; we connect with the unseen world through song, prayer and silence; we respond in symbolic action and in the way we live our daily lives; and we are transformed on the inside by the One who loves us completely and unconditionally.
Reflection: As you join us for worship in Colinton Church, we invite you to notice where worship is rooted in tried and tested tradition; to allow yourself to be stretched by new and contemporary ways; and to keep the heart space open where all transformation into the likeness of God takes place.