Colinton Parish Church Choir
and Praise Band
The Choir and Band comprises members of the congregation and
is led and conducted by Director of Music, David Turner.
The Choir prepares an Introit and Anthem for Sunday morning
worship. The Choir also takes part in other key services such as
Easter, Remembrance and Advent.
The Praise Band (pictured below) comprises flute, drums, guitar, keyboard and singers.
We would be delighted if you would like to join either or both groups!
Please get in touch by emailat the following address:
[email protected]
and Praise Band
The Choir and Band comprises members of the congregation and
is led and conducted by Director of Music, David Turner.
The Choir prepares an Introit and Anthem for Sunday morning
worship. The Choir also takes part in other key services such as
Easter, Remembrance and Advent.
The Praise Band (pictured below) comprises flute, drums, guitar, keyboard and singers.
We would be delighted if you would like to join either or both groups!
Please get in touch by emailat the following address:
[email protected]